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how to make meth

2 min read

Ingredients #

  • White granulated sugar
  • Corn syrup
  • Water
  • Blue food coloring

Tools #

  • Bowl
  • Pot or deep skillet
  • Wooden or silicone spoon
  • Sheet pan
  • Non-stick spray

Instructions #

First, place your water, sugar, and corn syrup in your pot or deep skillet.

Next, prepare the sheet pan by spraying it with non-stick spray.

Now place the pot on the stovetop. With the heat set to medium-low gently stir the mixture until it starts to boil. It is important to not heat it up too quickly because the sugar is liable to caramelize. Which if you are making a dark glass it won’t matter. The goal is to heat the sugar mixture to the “hard crack” stage which is around 290 to 300 F (145 to 150 C).

Once the sugar starts to boil you can stop stirring and just let it sit for 10 to 15 more minutes. Right, when the mixture starts to turn slightly colored it is ready to go. Another way to tell is to drop a spoonful of it into a bowl with ice-cold water. It will instantly harden up and you can check out easily it breaks.
Don’t be alarmed if it takes awhile. This whole process takes somewhere between 30 and 45 minutes.

Once the boiling sugar has a slight bit of color, remove it from the heat. You can now add in your blue food coloring. Stir the food coloring in really well. The sugar cools quickly and thickens up quickly so you need to work fairly fast.
BE CAREFUL this sugar syrup is extremely hot and will burn you if you touch it.

Now, pour the hot sugar onto your prepared pan. Spread it out if necessary. Make sure the pan is level as well. Then wait until it hardens up. It usually takes an hour or two.

Once the glass is completely solid, you can break it up with a wooden mallet or similar object into meth sized pieces.


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