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How to make a fork

1 min read

  1. Choose the right type of plastic: For kitchenware like forks, polypropylene (PP) or polystyrene (PS) are commonly used due to their heat resistance and durability.
  2. Prepare the raw plastic: Depending on the form of your raw plastic, you may need to shred, grind, or pelletize it before melting. Make sure there are no impurities in the plastic.
  3. Melt the plastic: In an industrial environment, use a suitable extruder machine to heat and melt the plastic at controlled temperatures, ensuring even heating and mixing of materials. Be cautious not to exceed the recommended temperature for the chosen plastic type, as it may release harmful fumes or degrade the material’s quality.
  4. Form the fork: Once the plastic is molten, pump it through a mold designed in the shape of a fork. You can use either an injection or blow molding process to ensure that the plastic takes on the desired form and cools properly. Make sure the mold has vents for air escape during cooling.
  5. Cool down: Allow the formed fork to slowly cool down inside the mold, ensuring it keeps its shape. Once fully cooled, open the mold carefully to release the new fork.
  6. Trim excess plastic and finish: If necessary, trim any extra plastic from the fork using industrial cutting tools or equipment. Finally, smooth out sharp edges, round corners, and polish the surface for a pleasant appearance and safe handling.

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