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National Institute of Standards & Technology
Certificate of Analysis
Standard Reference Material 1867a
Uncommon Commercial Asbestos
This standard reference material (SRM) is comprised of three uncommon commercial asbestos materials (tremolite
asbestos, actinolite asbestos, and anthophyllite asbestos) intended for use in the identification of these minerals by
polarized light microscopy (PLM) [1,2]. The certified values for SRM 1867a are identical to the original certified
values provided in the previous issuance of this material, SRM 1867. Additional reference values and information
values are provided with this reissue. The materials used in SRM 1867a came from the original lots of material used for
SRM 1867 and represent the last of the original supply. Each unit of SRM 1867a consists of a set of three bottles, each
containing several grams of one of the three mine-grade asbestos materials, with certified optical properties that can be
measured by PLM.
The three materials contained in this SRM are single representatives of their mineral types and cannot represent all the
variability inherent to these mineral species. The changes in optical properties due to differences in chemical
composition for tremolite and actinolite from the materials contained in this SRM are detailed in Reference 3. The
unique morphology of asbestos may alter the optical properties of tremolite, actinolite, and anthophyllite asbestos from
those reported for the materials contained in this SRM, as described in Reference 4.
Certified Properties and Uncertainties: Refractive indices were measured in the range of visible wavelengths by
using the double variation technique on individual fibers oriented with a spindle stage [5,6] in immersion liquids
calibrated by an independent technique (minimum deviation). Refractive indices were fit to a Cauchy equation to
calculate the refractive index at 589.3 nm (nD) (Table 1) and to provide the dispersion constants (Table 2). Expanded
uncertainties were calculated as Working-Hotelling confidence intervals [7,8] with a coverage factor 2 corrected for
bias from calibration measurements.
Reference Values: Extinction angles (Table 1) were measured from oriented fibers with uncertainties on the means
calculated as expanded uncertainties with a coverage factor 2 [8]. The compositions of the materials were determined
by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) on polished specimens and are given in Table 3 in % mass fraction of the
oxide and in atoms per formula unit (apfu) calculated on the basis of 23 oxygens. The unit cell dimensions (Table 4)
of the materials were determined by X-ray diffraction (XRD) on powdered specimens using an internal standard.
Reference values are non-certified values that are the best estimate of the true value; however, the values, which are
based on determinations done with a single reliable method, do not meet the NIST requirement for certification and are
provided with associated uncertainties that may reflect only measurement precision and may not include all sources of
Expiration of Certification: The certification of this SRM is valid until 31 December 2017, within the uncertainty
specified, provided the SRM is handled and stored in accordance with the instructions given. However, the
certification will be nullified if the SRM is damaged, contaminated, or otherwise modified.
The support aspects involved in the certification and issuance of this SRM were coordinated through the NIST Standard
Reference Materials Program by B.S. MacDonald.
Richard R. Cavanagh, Chief
Surface and Microanalysis Science Division
Gaithersburg, MD 20899 John Rumble, Jr., Chief
Certificate Issue Date: 12 March 2003 Measurement Services Division
SRM 1867a Page 1 of 6
Characterization of the Standard Reference Material was performed in the NIST Surface and Microanalysis Science
Division by J.R. Verkouteren.
Data from the original issue (SRM 1867) were collected by J.R. Verkouteren, J.M. Phelps, E.S. Windsor, D.M. Hues,
and E.B. Steel of the NIST Surface and Microanalysis Science Division; and by R.L. Perkins, B.W. Harvey, S.S.
Doorn, and T.F. Bergin of Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC.
Statistical analysis of the certification data was provided by S.D. Leigh of the NIST Statistical Engineering Division.
Source and Packaging of Materials:1 The anthophyllite was purchased from Ward’s Natural Science Establishment,
Incorporated, who report the sample origin as the Rakabedo Mines near Udaipur, India. The actinolite was collected by
Eric Steel and John Phelps of NIST at a construction site in Fairfax County, VA. The tremolite was collected by
Stephen Bezore of the State of California Department of Conservation from the Conda deposit [9] near Barstow, CA.
The materials were prepared and packaged by Research Triangle Institute, Research Triangle Park, NC, under the
direction of R.L. Perkins.
Use: The optical properties of the fibers can be measured by immersing the fibers in liquids of known refractive index,
either in random orientation or more precisely with fibers oriented on a spindle stage. There are specific guidelines
included with this SRM for the measurement of refractive index from randomly oriented fibers in grain mounts. These
guidelines may not be applicable to the measurement of unknown fibers in bulk insulation materials, soils, mined
products, etc., because they assume relatively pure materials for which the variation in refractive index is due solely to
fiber orientation (see Measurement Guidelines section).
Special Handling Requirements: Proper procedures for the safe handling of asbestos must be employed during
preparation, analysis, and storage of this SRM. Store this SRM in the original bottles, tightly closed, and within the
range of normal room temperature and humidity.
Table 1. Refractive index (n) at the sodium D line (589.3 nm) for principal orientations. The uncertainties of the values
of nD are ± 0.0007. For orientation of principal refractive indices with fiber morphology, see the Measurement
Guidelines section .
Asbestos type γ nD β nD α nD Birefringence
(γ nD – α nD)
Extinction anglea
Anthophyllite 1.6362 1.6273 1.6148 0.021 0 (parallel extinction)
Tremolite 1.6343 1.6230 1.6063 0.028 16.6 ± 0.3°
Actinolite 1.6393 1.6288 1.6126 0.027 15.9 ± 0.2°
a Provided as reference values only.
Table 2. To calculate the refractive index (n) at any wavelength (λ) in the range 470 nm to 620 nm, substitute
1Certain commercial equipment, instruments, or materials are identified in this certificate in order to specify
adequately the experimental procedure. Such identification does not imply recommendation or endorsement by the National
Institute of Standards and Technology, nor does it imply that the materials or equipment identified are necessarily the best
available for the purpose
SRM 1867a Page 2 of 6
parameters a and b into the equation: n(λ) = a + b/λ2. The uncertainties in the calculated refractive indices are not
necessarily symmetric and vary with wavelength as follows: + 0.0005 and – 0.0015 @ 434 nm, + 0.0005 and – 0.0010
@ 486.1 nm, ± 0.0007 @ 589.3 nm, ± 0.0007 @ 656.3 nm. Uncertainties at all other wavelengths within the range
470 nm to 620 nm can be interpolated from these values.
n(λ) = a + b/λ2
Asbestos type γ β α
Anthophyllite a = 1.61762
b = 6442
a = 1.61084
b = 5701
a = 1.59808
b = 5812
Tremolite a = 1.61713
b = 5953
a = 1.60832
b = 5088
a = 1.59236
b = 4824
Actinolite a = 1.61973
b = 6802
a = 1.61137
b = 6041
a = 1.59653
b = 5574
NOTE: The optical properties leading to certification were measured from the larger, single crystal fibers present
in the samples. Some portion of the fibers in each sample will show anomalous optical properties due to the unique
fibrillar structure of asbestos and {100} twinning. The anomalous properties of tremolite asbestos and actinolite
asbestos include lower extinction angles or parallel extinction and slightly altered refractive indices, as detailed in
Table 3. Elemental compositions determined by EPMA calculated in % mass fraction of oxide (assuming all Fe as
Fe2+) and in atoms per formula unit (apfu) based on 23 oxygens. The ideal formulas for the minerals are:
Ca2(Mg,Fe)5Si8O22(OH)2 for tremolite and actinolite, (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2 for anthophyllite. The mass fraction of each
oxide with a concentration > 1 % mass fraction has a relative error of ≤ 10 %. The reference values are the means of
results obtained by NIST using one analytical technique. The expanded uncertainty, U, is calculated as U = kuc, where
uc is one standard deviation of the analyte mean, and the coverage factor is 2, (95 % confidence level). The
concentrations of H2O, F, and Cl were not determined.
Asbestos Type %
Ca Mg/(Mg+Fe+Mn)
Anthophyllite 58.4 8.01 8.3 0.95 29.2 5.97 0.4 0.06 0.86
Tremolitea 56.3 7.88 1.3 0.16 23.6 4.93 13.1 1.97 0.96
Actinoliteb 55.6 7.92 6.5 0.77 20.3 4.32 12.6 1.90 0.84
a Also contains 0.4 % mass fraction Al2O3 (0.07 apfu Al), 0.5 % mass fraction MnO (0.06 apfu Mn), and 0.2 % mass fraction Na2O
(0.05 apfu Na).
b Also contains 0.5 % mass fraction Al2O3 (0.09 apfu Al), 0.3 % mass fraction MnO (0.03 apfu Mn), and 0.1 % mass fraction Na2O
(0.02 apfu Na).
Table 4. Unit cell dimensions determined by XRD. The reference values are the means of results obtained by NIST
using one analytical technique. The expanded uncertainty, U, is calculated as U = kuc, where uc is one standard
deviation of the analyte mean, and the coverage factor is 2, (95 % confidence level).
Asbestos type a, Å b, Å c, Å β °
Anthophyllite 18.543 ± 0.004 18.010 ± 0.005 5.285 ± 0.005 ———
Tremolite 9.843 ± 0.002 18.063 ± 0.002 5.278 ± 0.004 104.75 ± 0.1
Actinolite 9.852 ± 0.002 18.088 ± 0.002 5.283 ± 0.002 104.69 ± 0.1
SRM 1867a Page 3 of 6
Table 5. Descriptive information from observations with low-power microscopy and polarized light microscopy and
approximate concentrations of accessory phases determined by XRD analysis are provided for information purposes
only in Table 5.
Texture: asbestiforma
Color: tan in hand specimen, colorless in plane polarized light
Concentration of anthophyllite: > 80 % mass fraction Talc is estimated to be present at concentrations of
approximately 5 % mf to 15 % mf.
Texture: asbestiforma Some of the fibers are loose and others are more tightly bound together. A small
amount of material may be massive.
Color: white to pale green in hand specimen, colorless in plane polarized light
Concentration of tremolite: > 90 % mass fraction Talc is estimated to be present at concentrations less than 5
% mf.
Texture: asbestiforma Some of the fibers are loose and others are more tightly bound together. A considerable
amount of material may be massive. The massive material may contain significant clinochlore (chlorite).
Color: white to green in hand specimen, colorless in plane polarized light
Concentration of actinolite: > 80 % mass fraction of the fibrous material Clinochlore (chlorite) is estimated to
be present at concentrations that can exceed 20 % mf if a considerable amount of massive material is
present. The massive material can be easily segregated, leaving primarily actinolite in the fibrous portion.
A small amount (< 5 % mass fraction) of talc may also be present in the fibrous component.
a Asbestiform: crystallizes with the habit of asbestos. These asbestos minerals possess properties such as long fiber length and high
tensile strength. Under the light microscope, some portion of these samples exhibit the asbestiform habit as defined by several of
the following characteristics: 1) mean aspect ratios ranging from 20:1 to 100:1 or higher for fibers longer than 5 μm, 2) very thin
fibrils, usually less than 0.5 μm in width, 3) parallel fibers occurring in bundles, 4) fiber bundles displaying splayed ends, 5) fibers
in the form of thin needles, 6) matted masses of individual fibers, and 7) fibers showing curvature.
SRM 1867a Page 4 of 6
Anthophyllite, actinolite, and tremolite are biaxial, and therefore, have three principal vibration directions that
correspond to three principal refractive indices: α, β, and γ. Amphibole asbestos fibers are elongated along the c
crystallographic axis, and tend to lay on surfaces parallel to c (hk0) in immersion slide mounts. The principal refractive
indices are found only on the (100) and (010) surfaces, as shown in Figure 1. Since the largest refractive index, γ, is
closest to the fiber axis, anthophyllite, tremolite, and actinolite are all optically length slow (positive sign of elongation).
c c γ
Tremolite and Actinolite
c γ´
Figure 1. Possible orientations of amphibole asbestos fibers in immersion slide mounts.
The most common orientation that fibers will express in immersion slides mounts is shown by the (hk0) orientation.
For anthophyllite, this means that γ can be measured from any fiber, but that the index perpendicular to fiber elongation
for most fibers will have a value between α and β, represented by α´. For tremolite and actinolite, an (hk0) orientation
will yield γ′ (a value smaller than γ), α´ (a value between α and β), and an extinction angle that may not be the true
extinction angle (see Reference 4 for more detail).
To measure principal refractive indices for anthophyllite:
From slide immersion mounts, measure γ from any fiber by proper orientation of the fiber with respect to the polarizer.
Observe a large number of fibers to determine the minimum refractive index perpendicular to elongation, which will
correspond to α. Use the certified value of birefringence to estimate the immersion liquids that should be used to
measure α. A relatively small number of fibers may display α, as an (010) orientation may not be particularly common.
The maximum refractive index perpendicular to elongation will correspond to β. The (100) orientation in asbestos
fibers may be more common than the (010) orientation.
To measure principal refractive indices for tremolite and actinolite:
From slide immersion mounts, determine γ by measurement of the index closest to the fiber elongation axis for
approximately 50 fibers. Always place the fiber at the extinction position to measure refractive index. There should be
a range in values of about 0.005 and the maximum value should correspond to the best estimate for γ. The number of
fibers that display the maximum value should be a minority of the total number of fibers observed. Record the
extinction angle for each fiber; use the extinction angle from the fibers that exhibit the maximum refractive index (γ) as
the best estimate of the true value of extinction angle. As for anthophyllite, α and β are measured by determining the
minimum and maximum value perpendicular (or near perpendicular) to elongation, respectively, by observation of a
large number of fibers. Use the certified value of birefringence to estimate the immersion liquids that should be used to
SRM 1867a Page 5 of 6
SRM 1867a Page 6 of 6
measure α. Always place the fiber at the extinction position to measure refractive index. A relatively small number of
fibers may display α, as an (010) orientation may not be particularly common. The maximum refractive index
perpendicular (or near perpendicular) to elongation will correspond to β, and those fibers will show parallel extinction.
The (100) orientation in asbestos fibers may be more common than the (010) orientation.
NOTE: The fibrillar structure and {100} twinning common to asbestos can produce anomalous optical properties in
monoclinic amphiboles, such that some portion of the tremolite and actinolite fibers in this SRM will show parallel
extinction for orientations other than (100) and/or will not exhibit the true extinction angle at any orientation. The
fibrillar structure can alter the refractive indices observed perpendicular (or near perpendicular) to elongation such that
a single value that is intermediate between α and β is observed. These, and other anomalous optical properties, are
detailed in Reference 4. The anomalous effects of the fibrillar structure are expected to be more prevalent in the very
thin fibers.
[1] U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Interim Method of the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Insulation
Samples: Polarized Light Microscopy; 40 CFR Ch. 1, Pt. 763, Subpt. F, Appendix A, 7/1/87 Ed.
[2] Perkins, R.L.; Harvey, B.W.; Method for the Determination of Asbestos in Bulk Building Materias; U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency EPA/600/R-93/116, Office of Research and Development, Washington, DC
[3] Verkouteren, J.R.; Wylie, A.G.; The Tremolite-Actinolite-Ferro-Actinolite Series: Systematic Relationships
Among Cell Parameters, Composition, Optical Properties and Habit, and Evidence of Discontinuities; American
Mineralogist, Vol. 85, pp. 1239-1354 (2000).
[4] Verkouteren, J.R.; Wylie, A.G.; Anomalous Optical Properties of Fibrous Tremolite, Actinolite, and Ferro-
actinolite. American Mineralogist; Vol. 87, pp. 1090-1095 (2002).
[5] Bloss, F. D.; The Spindle Stage: Principles and Practice; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge (1981).
[6] Verkouteren, J.R.; Steel, E.B.; Windsor, E.S.; Phelps, J.M.; Accuracy of the Double Variation Technique of
Refractive Index Measurement; J. Res. Natl. Inst. Stand. Technol., Vol. 97, p. 693 (1992).
[7] Stuart, A.; Ord, K. J.; Kendall’s Advanced Therory of Statistics, Vol. 2, Oxford University Press, NY, (1991).
[8] Guide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement, ISBN 92-67-10188-9, 1st Ed., ISO, Geneva,
Switzerland (1993); see also Taylor, B.N.; Kuyatt, C.E.; Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the
Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results; NIST Technical Note 1297, U.S. Government Printing Office,
Washington, DC (1994); available at http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/.
[9] Bowen, O.E., Jr.; Geology and Mineral Deposits of the Barstow Quadrangle; San Bernardino Co., CA, State of
California, Division of Mines, Bulletin 165, p. 140 (1954).
Users of this SRM should ensure that the certificate in their possession is current. This can be accomplished by
contacting the SRM Program at: telephone (301) 975-6776; fax (301) 926-4751; e-mail srminfo@nist.gov; or via
the Internet http://www.nist.gov/srm.


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